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We have done a time-consuming and large-scale work on the project "Pages of the history of the native school":

- visited two historical archives of St. Petersburg, where they worked with documentation on the history of school number 241;

- met with a former student of the school of the post-war period;

- edited a video for the project;

- we worked with folders of materials and documents summarizing specific periods in the history of school number 241, which were given to us by the history teacher Olga Sergeevna Martyanova;

- designed the layout of the school and the layout of the class;

- designed a stand-stand with complete information about the project;

- designed a poster with questions about the history of the school for students;

- conducted a survey among students on the topic: studying and mastering new information related to the history of the school;

- talked with teachers who studied at school.  

    Working on the project "Pages of the History of the Home School" we set ourselves certain goals:

-  to awaken interest in more than 80 years of history of our educational institution;

-  to lay the foundation for the creation of a museum for secondary school № 241;

- to share interesting historical information that we have gleaned from archival documents and memoirs of former students of school number 241;

- to contribute to the formation of patriotism and respect for the educational institution and traditions of the school;

- to increase civic consciousness and respect for veterans and residents of besieged Leningrad;

- to gain useful practical experience in working with documents, collecting, processing, analyzing and summarizing information.

    We hope that we have fully disclosed our goals and objectives.

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