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Post-war period

This school record of student 2 "b" class Igor Isaev is confirmation that in 1944 our school  reopened its doors to students. Now we will turn your attention to the post-war period of the history of our 241 schools.

    The city is liberated! Schools start working immediately  and in the fall of 1944, our 241 schools resumed their work. According to the recollections of Nina Sergeevna Yakovleva, a teacher of the German language of a post-war school, before the start of the school year, teachers put the school in order, destroying all traces of being in the hospital building. But again, as we said earlier, no documents were found that the hospital was in the school building. In 1943, separate training was introduced, associated primarily with the need to organize military-physical and especially pre-conscription training, therefore, since 1944, in the post-war  only boys studied at school number 241,  up to 1956  of the year.  Life at the school was just boiling and seething. Young people seemed to want to make up for those years that the war took away. The school hosts sports competitions in various sports, has created its own national team that successfully performs in city competitions, educational committees have been created, meetings, holidays, and hiking trips are held.  Pupils lived not only a very busy school life, they attended lessons and classes in the House of Pioneers - these are sections according to their interests: art studio, ship modeling section, literary and dramatic circle. The favorite place of the students was still the sports school of the Oktyabrsky district.

    Panov Nikolai Aleksandrovich became the director of the post-war school, having worked from 1944 to 1957.


Not too much information has survived about him. Most of the students of that period say that they did not remember him well, since he was a discreet person, but at the same time he recruited a good team of teachers, and the school itself soon became one of the best.
    The head teacher of the school was Pavel Vasilyevich Vylegzhanin, he taught the history of the USSR.


The whole school loved him. He was strict, but fair, was aware of all childish affairs, supported the sports spirit of the school.
    We also learned information about other teachers of the school of the post-war period. It was told to us by a former student of the school Isaev Igor Ivanovich, who on September 1, 1944 became a student of the 2nd grade of the 241 male secondary school of the Oktyabrsky district. Having visited it, we learned many interesting facts not only about the teachers of the school, but in general about the school life of that period. In a conversation with him, from his memoirs: “The class was called second or second. I was nine years old. There were only two or three people younger than me. The rest were older, they lost several years due to the war, .. several more people were three years older ... "
    In the second and third grade, his class teacher was Berta Isaakovna Varlamova.


She was remembered by the children as a kind, attentive and caring teacher.
    Even though the war was still going on  lunches were given out at the school, and the school canteen worked. The end of the second grade at Igor Ivanovich coincided with a historical event - the Victory of the Soviet Union in the Great Patriotic War. From the memoirs of I.I. Isaeva: "These days were remembered in the smallest detail. So at three o'clock in the morning on May 9, the radio suddenly spoke up, and we heard the good news - the war is over! We looked out the window and saw that our entire huge house woke up. Everyone turned on the lights. , many ran out into the yard and rejoiced ... "
    In September 1945, a pioneer squad was organized at the school. All the "nondvoechniks" were accepted as pioneers. The senior pioneer leader of the school was Vera Arsenievna Parfeneva.


 During the war, she served in the local air defense, under the leadership of her father Igor Isaev.
    One cannot fail to mention the biology teacher. It is thanks to her, Pelageya Dmitrievna Kondratyeva, that an alley of poplars appeared near the school, the remains of which, represented by four huge poplars, still live. From the memoirs of Igor Isaev: "... The class hour ended in an original way: the remaining group of five or six students received a task to go out into the yard and start planting shrubs and even trees. Pelageya Dmitrievna, as a botanist, was responsible for planting around the school ... This is gives my classmate Yevgeny Yuryevich Kuchinsky the right to say hurtful words to me: “So what did you get the gold medal for? I AM,  but I planted a poplar, that's what it is! “The students remembered the biology teacher as a strict, serious lady, but they treated her with understanding and respect. They came up with many nicknames for her:“ KPD ”,“ Aunt Goulda ”,“ Aunt Polly ”.


Pelageya Dmitrievna had a clear system of work, a system of rewards and punishments, a clear regime. From the memoirs of Igor Isaev about Pelageya Dmitrievna: “Much later I learned that, allegedly before our school, Pelageya Dmitrievna taught in places of detention. Maybe this is where such inflexibility, intolerance and determination come from ... It's sad, but after leaving school we did not manage to see her. She did not come to the evenings of meetings. "
    The physics teacher was Arkady Evseevich Benenson.


    It was a very interesting colorful personality. The disciples remembered him for his  unique lessons with certain techniques and habits. He spent the entire war at the front.
    The military officer at the school was Ivan Vasilievich Grigoriev. He taught the subject of military physical training.


Calm, reasonable person, competent specialist and good teacher. In the late 60s, there was a tragedy at the school,  because of which  the teacher was very hurt. In the basement of the school, a shooting range was equipped, students there were engaged in the shooting section - they fired from small-caliber rifles. One of the students was carrying a rifle across the first floor to deposit and accidentally fired - he killed another student who had been hit by a bullet. The teacher was convicted and sent to prison.
    The geography lesson at school was taught by Arnold Fedor Fedorovich, the favorite of the students, they amicably called him "Fe-Fe". His lessons were always very interesting. A native of a famous Russian surname. The Arnold family included composers and scientists, and even one rector of the Institute of Railways.


He was an exceptionally erudite person, a lecturer of the regional party committee, he was entrusted with speeches on international and political topics. He fought in the civil war, was a pilot. He was buried at the prestigious Komarovskoye cemetery, next to the grave of Anna Akhmatova.


    And this is the first post-war issue. They had a chance to study at our school for only four years. The class teacher is Yakovleva Nina Sergeevna. Center in the second row  in the photo - the head teacher Pavel Vasilyevich Vylegzhanin and the director Nikolai Alexandrovich Panov.
    Pictures taken in 1946 have also survived.

They depict grade 4 students and  6 grade 241 schools.
    Many students of the school of this time became famous, achieved high positions, became famous people.
    One of these people, the former  a student of our school, we visited and talked with him. This is Isaev Igor Ivanovich, we have already mentioned him earlier. 


He graduated from 241 men's high school with a gold medal, then the Leningrad Shipbuilding Institute with honors. Fifteen years  worked at the Central Research Institute named after academician Krylov, defended his thesis. He also worked in Smolny, supervised enterprises and organizations of the shipbuilding and nuclear industries located in the Leningrad region. For eighteen years he worked in Moscow in the all-Union authorities (from 1974 to 1992). For eight years he was deputy chairman of the USSR State Standard for Standardization, the chief state inspector of the USSR for the supervision of standards and measuring instruments. In 1992 he returned to his hometown and until April 2013 worked as a chief specialist at the Center for Testing and Certification in St. Petersburg. Combined work with teaching - he was a professor at the St. Petersburg State Marine Technical University. Author of over 100 scientific articles, reports, monographs and textbooks. Member of the competition commissions for awarding prizes of the Government of St. Petersburg and the Government  Leningrad region for quality.  It has  many awards. Among them: the Order of Friendship, "Badge of Honor", the Red Banner of Labor, medals. Honored Mechanical Engineer of the Russian Federation. Isaev Igor Ivanovich is the author of the book “My school. Personalities and Events ”, published in 2017. 
-  In 1948 Teterkin Valentin Mikhailovich graduated from our school.


After school, he entered the law faculty of the Zhdanov University, where he was the chairman of the trade union committee. By distribution, he left for Severodvinsk, worked as a city prosecutor, then as a judge until the last days of his life. The fate of Valentin Mikhailovich is very difficult. While still a fifth-grader, together with other children, he was looking for shells at the Pulkovo Heights. On one of the boy's shells  blown up, Valentine was left without both hands. But this did not break him, a truly strong-willed man. He was one of the most respected people  in the city of Severodvinsk.
-  Graduated from our school in 1953 Kurbatov  Dmitry Antonovich, later  renowned and outstanding yacht designer. After graduation, he entered the Leningrad Shipbuilding Institute. After graduating from it, he devoted himself to his favorite work. He received orders for the design of solid luxury yachts from all countries: Belgium, Holland, Czechoslovakia, Poland. He died at the age of 57 and was buried in the Northern Cemetery in Pargolovo.
- He studied at 241 schools and Mikhail Shiff-Raisman. A few words about him. He entered the physical culture faculty of the Herzen Pedagogical Institute, graduated from it and later became deputy dean. Then he organized the department of artistic gymnastics, became the head of the department, candidate of pedagogical sciences. In 2003 he left to live in New York, is a judge of the international category in gymnastics.
- Alexander Nemyshev studied in a parallel class with Igor Isaev.  After the seventh grade I left to study  in the Trade College, then graduated from the Trade Institute and ended up in Moscow at the Ministry of Foreign Trade.
- Rosman Bernhard Leonidovich graduated from high school in 1953. He entered the Leningrad Electrotechnical Institute, defended his thesis, became an assistant professor.
    How many outstanding, very interesting people sat at the desks of our school! Brilliant personalities, each is individual and talented in his own way!
    We have touched upon and dedicated to your attention the fate of some of them.

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